Amazon Share Price | Amazon Stock Price

Amazon Shares Price
SEDOL: B0YPX78 | ISIN: US0231351067 | Symbol: AMZN | Type: Share
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Amazon Shares Info

This Annual Report on Form 10-K and the documents incorporated herein by reference contain forward-looking statements based on expectations, estimates, and projections as of the date of this filing. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements. See Item 1A of Part I--"Risk Factors.", Inc. was incorporated in 1994 in the state of Washington and reincorporated in 1996 in the state of Delaware.

Our principal corporate offices are located in Seattle, Washington. We completed our initial public offering in May 1997 and our common stock is listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the symbol "AMZN." As used herein, "," "we," "our," and similar terms include, Inc. and its subsidiaries, unless the context indicates otherwise. General opened its virtual doors on the World Wide Web in July 1995.